Monday, August 2, 2010

Mostly sleeping.

Walden spends so much time sleeping that I'm wondering when she found the time to beef up to 8 lbs in less than two weeks.  Oh right...she finds the time every two to three hours.  Bring on the chubby baby legs!


  1. She is seriously one of the most beautiful babies I have laid e-eyes on... and I love me some baby chub.

  2. Happy 2 week birthday Walden!!!

  3. Hi Jamie!!

    Its Lynn MacDougall. Hope all is well with you. Walden is beautiful! Glad to see James is a hands on Dad. Sorry I missed you when you came to the office. Please come back and visit. If you need anything, let me know. I am just up the street (well kinda). Enjoy your time with the baby, they grow way too quickly

  4. She is so cute. I cannot wait to have my little one in my arms!!
