Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Three Weeks Old

Walden is three weeks old today!  And she's weighing in around 9 lbs, so we're doing something right in the feeding department.  According to her last doctor's visit, she's in the 97th percentile for height (22.5 inches), 50th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for head circumference.  According to James, she's "long, lean and pinheaded."  Thanks, James.

The most challenging thing so far is the sleep deprivation that comes with feeding Walden every 2-3 hours.  Most days go like this:

Feed Walden; get her back to sleep; decide whether to eat, shower or sleep; choose sleep; close eyes; hear Walden crying because it's time for her to eat again; consider running into oncoming traffic.
Lather, rinse and repeat.

But we're getting through it.  And now we're trying the bottle at night so that James can help with the feedings.  Last night I got at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, which is the most I've gotten since November 2009.  For this reason, I love my husband twice, maybe three times, as much today as I did yesterday.  :)

Bath time for Walden

Snoozing with Daddy and Jake
Walden and Pa "She only weighs 8 lbs and I'm as scared of her as I am a hand grenade" Hinson
First time in the Moby wrap...thank you Auntie Lauren :)


  1. Walden is so pretty!! (I think I see a little bit of Jennifer in Walden.) She looks so snuggly in the wrap, I love it!
