Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh, Happy Day!

One year ago today, we found out our little butterbean was on the way!  Seems like only yesterday that James was telling me, "You know if that thing is positive, you can forget that bottle of cab you just bought" and I was telling him, " me, I'll have purple lips within the hour."  

happy papa-to-be

consciousness regained. excited mama-to-be. less than enthusiastic pups.
Hard to believe it's been a whole year since this little girl started calling the shots :)


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Such a busy fall!  First...Walden's first Halloween!  The little diva had three costume changes (how very Cher of her).
costume #1: piglet

costume #2: boo! shirt with ridiculous headband
costume #3: bear (accompanied by cow with inappropriately placed udders)
 Then, we took a trip to the pumpkin patch with Grammie and Boompa where Walden made sitting on a pile of pumpkins look positively effortless.

little pumpkin

chatting with boompa
snuggling with grammie

And we also took pictures to put in our "Photos to embarrass Walden when she's a teenager" file.  I must say, though, that I have never seen anyone pull off cellulite the way Walden does. 

cutie bootie

The End ;)