Monday, July 26, 2010

One week old

On Tuesday, Walden will be a week old.  Hard to believe seven whole days have passed since she came into the world.  Even though I love watching her change and see new things every day, I'm a little bit sad that we're moving further and further from the wonderful day she was born.  It would be nice to have a replay button (with the option to fast forward through a few of the more harrowing moments of that day, like the pot-hole filled ride to the hospital or when the reception lady made me sign about 100 papers all while having some serious contractions...good times).

Little Walden has had a busy first week.  Here are a few things she's accomplished so far:
  • First time being licked by a dog.  When we introduced Walden to Jake and Lucy, the pups were a little hesitant to approach her and sort of kept their distance for the first few hours she was home.  All that has changed and now all they want to do is sit as close to her as possible and stare.  They sneak in a few kisses here and there and Walden doesn't seem to mind.  
  • First trip to Cracker Barrel.  I didn't think we'd be taking her out to eat so soon after her birth, but the pull of the Barrel became too much for me to handle, so off we went.  She was a little angel, but I think she had her eye on my turnip greens.
  • First time projectile pooping on someone.  Newborns are small, but they are mighty.  James had to learn the hard way that you have to get the new diaper on the scene immediately or bad things can happen.  Rookie mistake. 
  •  First camping trip.  Ok, not a real camping trip.  But we have been camped out downstairs for the last couple of days since we lost all power on the second floor.  Walden's been a real trooper.  (As of a few of hours ago, we have power again and can move back into our bedrooms. Yay! Except why is our house choosing NOW to fall apart?)
So it's been an eventful week for all of us and we look forward to many more firsts for Walden. Some pictures from the past week...

Tuning out the world.
This is the face I make when I have to wake up, too.
Walden spends a lot of time sleeping on chests. And just sleeping in general.


  1. I can't handle these pictures. I love her! Jamie, she has your ears. :)

  2. I know!!! she's so stinkn' cute!

  3. She is the cutest when she is milk drunk. ;-)

    I can't stop staring at her. She is the most precious thing in the world!!!

  4. I miss her already!!! Tell her to save all the poopy diapers for when I come to visit. xoxoxo

  5. Walden is so beautiful!!! When will she be visitor ready???

  6. I love the week in review!!! Walden is just precious!!!
