Friday, July 23, 2010

She's here!

Walden Nicole arrived three days early on Tuesday, July 20 at 11:21 p.m.  She weighed in at 7 lbs, 6 oz and measured 20 inches long.  We are so in love!  We just keep staring at her and can't believe she's really ours.

Walden with her Daddy. Just a few minutes old.
With Aunt Jennifer, Labor Coach Extraordinaire
excited grandparents
Grammie and Boompa come to visit
with Grammie
with her yet-to-be-officially-named Grandad
being adored by Daddy
Professional Diaper Changer
Cone hat
Going Home
Sleepy Girl
There's a new baby in town.


  1. SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! Welcome to the world Walden. You are MUCH loved. Can't wait to meet you :)

  2. She is so precious! I want to get in the car RIGHT NOW and come see her. Enjoy this crazy time - there's nothing that ever feels like this again. It's amazing. Love all of you. xoxo

  3. Congratulations Jamie and James!! Walden is so beautiful, and the pictures of her with her family are priceless. We are so happy for all of you!
    Lauren, Derrick, and the whole Frisoli family

  4. I love her so much already!!! Congratulations to your whole family. She's beautiful and I can't wait to meet her. Lots of love to you!

  5. Jamie and James, what a beautiful baby girl! She is absolutely perfect. Now you can truly understand the extraordinary capacity of love that comes when you have a baby...there is nothing in the world that compares! Casey, Charlie, and I are so happy for you! We can't wait to meet Walden.
    Much Love,
    Casey and Dana

  6. She is so beautiful. I love the pictures. love you guys, too. xo

  7. congratulations Jamie! she is perfect! (and i am so excited to learn of your blog ;) )
