Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Way Life Should Be

Walden got to spend her two month birthday in Maine!  Which means she also went on her first road trip.  Which means that we went on our first road trip with two dogs and a baby which is about as simple as it sounds.  I spent about three weeks preparing for this trip, agonizing over questions like, should we take the swing and the bouncy?  Or just the swing?  Or just the bouncy?  (Answer: just the bouncy.)  How many times will she poop while we're away?  (Answer: not that many. Walden has travel anxiety just like...some other people in the family do.)  Do we really need to pack the dogs' special hypoallergenic food or can we get away with non-special non-hypoallergenic food for a week?  (Answer: no we cannot get away with non-special food.  Jake makes that very clear and we couldn't deal with him making that clear for an entire week.)  So we packed up our bouncies and diapers and special food and set out at 9 p.m. thinking that Walden would sleep the entire 5.5 hour trip.  Except she didn't.  So the trip was more like 7 hours, but who's counting?  Good times were had, lobsters were eaten and Walden got her first whiff of ocean breeze.
nap time


relaxing with lobster pillow

by the ocean with mama

circle of life moment

by the ocean with daddy

by the ocean + cute little face

by the ocean + kisses + cute little face

a little light reading from pa's library (james thinks this is incredibly funny.)

yay! two months old!

napping with bee

same mama. same ocean. different rocks.

family portrait

bee tries to hide walden in a bag

what bee doesn't know is that the bag is labeled with its contents

so we are on to bee's shenanigans
 Can't wait to get back to Vacationland!


  1. Great pictures! I want to eat her! (or I'll settle for lots of kisses). Can't wait to see y'all. She's getting so big.

  2. so precious! I 'm glad to hear all is well. I must admist I stalk Walden a little and was nervous you had stopped blogging because life was too busy :)

  3. I can't stand how funny you are and how cute Walden is... your posts make my day!
