Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We've Come A Long Way Baby...

From 13 weeks                     To 21 weeks
    To 28 weeks                         To 34 weeks
And here is Big Mama at 38 weeks....
39 weeks is coming up on Friday...we might have to get out the wide angle lens. This "pretty good sized baby" (doc's words) better get here soon!  There's no more room at the inn.


  1. You look WONDERFUL! I'm so excited to get to keep up with baby Scribner from all the way out here!

  2. I concur - you look AMAZING!! And yea for a new blog to check!

  3. Butterbean tipped in at 7lbs today. Yeah!

    I don't understand how they can be accurate by just rubbing Jamie's stomach, but I guess they can't be off by too much either way.

  4. Boompa (grandpa) and I got to see Butterbean again at 2 weeks and she is growing sooooo much and is soooooo cute. Jamie and James are really working together adjusting to a new "Butterbean" in their family. Jake and Lucy are adjusting too. happy you have James feeding Walden so you can get more sleep. You are doing a great job. Photo blog is wonderful. Love, Grammie
